Friday, January 31, 2020

January 2020

January 2020

 30 movies, 2 and a half books, 2 live performances

First movie of the year:

Search Party - On New Year’s morning, after everyone had left and Kristen went for breakfast with her sister, I managed to make it to the couch, turn on HBO and started watching the new Hellboy which put me right to sleep. I then turned this movie on after waking from my nap. It was all right. Lots of recognizable people and dumb jokes. A fine way to start the New Year!

Watched in theaters:
I don’t get to the movies as often as I used to but still make it to a couple movies a month.

1917 - this 2019 movie wasn’t released wide until early 2020 but it’ll probably be on my top 10 at the end of the year. It's a war movie with some big moments but for the most part it is a very small, personal movie about two soldiers on a mission to deliver a message that will prevent their side from entering an ambush. 

The film is shot as if it’s all done in one take and with some clever editing it works quite well. The scenes of sniper battles, crossing No Man’s Land, a plane crash, falling into a rushing river are all tense moments and when the camera captures it all in real time (or edited to look like real time) it pulls you into the drama and journey.

Bad Boys for Life - I remember being underwhelmed by Bad Boys when I first saw it. I watched it on TV as a kid and it was light on action and most of the humor was missing from the TV edit. I watched it recently and still found it to be light on action but it makes up for that with humor and entertaining character interaction. What action it did have was pretty exciting and overall it's a good feature film debut for Michael Bay.

Bad Boys 2 has too much of everything and it’s spectacular nonsense. This holds a special place for me because it may be the last film I sneaked into as a teenager. I remember seeing it and being so happy that other people were having as much fun as I was having. It’s crazy, it’s crass, it’s violent, it’s offense, it’s truly unfiltered Michael Bay madness.

This brings us to Bad Boys for Life which finds our boys a good deal older and they are starting to grow up. Lawrence and Smith are still as funny as ever but their history of violence is catching up with them and now Smith is being targeted by someone from his past and it puts those he cares about in the cross hairs. The action isn’t as crazy and the comedy isn’t as outlandish as 2 but it’s still hilarious and action packed. The most surprising thing about this is that the dramatic moments really land. Lawrence and Smith bring their A game here.

The Gentlemen - Guy Ritchie is at his best when making crime movies like Snatch, Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and Rocknrolla (he also made a movie called Swept Away and Revolver but no one really talks about those).

For more than a decade Ritchie has been making big budget movies like Sherlock Holmes and the sequel, Aladdin, King Arthur and The Man from U.N.C.L.E. It’s been 12 years since Rocknrolla and Ritchie is back with another violent comedy about the criminal underworld.

Matthew McConaughey is a weed dealer in London who maintains a criminal empire thanks to his right hand man Charlie Hunnam and wife Michelle Dockery. After years on top he decides he wants out but rival criminal organizations and a sleazy reporter played by Hugh Grant make things difficult.

It’s not as great as some of his earlier films but overall it’s a very funny and twisty crime comedy with terrific performances, especially from Grant and Colin Farrell as a boxing coach who gets involuntarily pulled into the world of gangs, drugs and guns.

If I like a movie, chances are I’ll watch it a lot. I have no idea how many times I’ve seen some of these.

Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping - one of the best, funniest movies

Pokemon Detective Pikachu - fun, creature filled mystery

The Departed - appropriately popular cops and crooks drama

Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle - best NJ movie ever

Ratatouille - this movie makes me so hungry

Set it Up - funny and charming, Kristen and I love it

Bad Boys - not as action packed as the rest but still damn funny

Bad Boys 2 - seriously one of the craziest movies ever

Airheads - The Lone Rangers were the greatest 90’s band

A Knight’s Tale - the movie that showed me the beauty of anachronistic music

Sky High - Disney made the best X-Men movie years before buying Fox

The Accountant - as cool as it is ridiculous, one of Affleck's best

First time watching:

Some movies I just haven’t gotten around to watching until now. Some movies have only just been made available on streaming.

Anastasia - Kristen and her siblings love this movie. It was fun watching the Tomasicchio’s sing along to the music. I was unfamiliar with the true story and history of Anastasia (spoiler alert, it’s sad) but it sure is interesting. This may be about Rasputin and a talking bat friend trying to kill a young woman but it's a very fun, heartwarming and family friendly adventure.

Alita: Battle Angel - James Cameron and Robert Rodriguez join forces for a fun, expensive looking, sci-fi thriller starring Rosa Salazar as a kick ass robot in a future world. The plot shares similarities with other movies about cyborgs who learn to think for themselves (think Robocop, Terminator and all of their subordinates) so the story is nothing new. The action, however, is very cool. There are all sorts of killer robots with different abilities and it includes a very violent version of roller derby where cyborgs annihilate one another for entertainment. It looked great on the small screen and I wish I saw this in theaters.

10 Minutes Gone - if you scroll through what's available on streaming or check what’s new in the Redbox you may see Bruce Willis’ face a lot. I don’t quite know why he keeps taking small roles in crappy direct to video action movies and I don’t know why I keep watching them. This one has Michael Chiklis as a thief in a robbery gone wrong trying to figure who set him up and why. I recently watched the entirety of The Shield and like Chiklis but he hardly makes this movie worth watching. Willis plays the man who hired him and, according to IMDb trivia, shot all of his scenes in the hotel where he was staying. So you can imagine the effort be gives to his 5 minutes of screen time.

Killers Anonymous - Found on Hulu this thriller looks as if it stars Jessica Alba and Gary Oldman but they are hardly in it at all. A group of killers (some assassins, some seemingly ordinary people) meet to discuss murders they’ve committed and how they feel about it. That premise actually sounded interesting to me but then a lot of plot twists are tossed in and things quickly begin to make no sense at all. It’s a frustrating mess of a movie that isn’t trying to be anything special and yet thinks it’s something special all at the same time.

Movies I own but haven’t watched until now:
As a collector of physical media, I accrue movies faster than I watch them. People often get rid of their DVD’s, VHS tapes and, in one case, Laser Discs in bulk and I’ll take it all (until I run out of space in my basement). This year I’m going to try and watch a bunch of the movies that I’ve owned for a while and haven’t yet watched. In January there was a special focus on the action movies that have been stacking up.

Action Jackson - Carl Weathers was cool in Mandalorian, but he’s always been cool

Riot - Sugar Ray Leonard costars in an action movie about a riot on Christmas

Fifty/Fifty - Robocop and the pilot from Airplane bicker and shoot guns

Firewalker - Chuck Norris wanted to make an Indiana Jones movie

Beyond Justice - Rutger Hauer takes his time orchestrating a rescue mission

Bloodfist V: Human Target - underrated martial artist Steve James’ final movie

Bail Out - Hasselhoff and Linda Blair star in a mediocre action movie

Medicine Man - Sean Connery in a boring movie from the director of Die Hard

Excessive Force II: Force on Force - a forgettable sequel to a forgotten movie.

New releases watched on streaming:
New releases that go straight to streaming used to be and indicator that the movie is bad (like the movie I watched this month) but then you have things like The Irishman.

Bulletproof 2 - besides ‘don’t watch’ I don’t know what else to say about this. The original is an action movie with Daman Wayans and Adam Sandler and is a bad movie that I watched so much as a kid. 20+ years later they’ve been replaced by two recognizable but lesser known actors in this pointless sequel that, much like the original, contains lots of juvenile comedy and bloody violence.

What I read:
As my mom often reminds me, I used to read a lot. After watching 517 movies in 2019 I felt it was time to get back into reading. I’ll still watch TV and movies and play video games (don’t worry about that!) but I’ll be cutting back on watching anything during my commute in and out of the city. Instead of holding a phone or Ipad inches from my face, most likely damaging my eyes, I’ll be reading a book!

Alien 3
I was given this months ago when a friend of mine was doing a deep dive into the Alien universe. When he gave it to me I was in the middle of my 2019 continuous movie watch and did not get around to it. When 2020 rolled around I decided it would be the first book I read this year.

The backstory to Alien 3 is more interesting than the movie itself. The trivia behind the making of his movie tells quite the tale of disagreements and difficulties so, long story short - the novelization I read does not match the finished film. The story finds Alien and Aliens survivor Ripley in an escape pod, still floating in space after the hell she experienced in Aliens. A malfunction, caused by a surviving alien, damages her escape pod which makes an emergency landing on a nearby planet killing everyone in the pod except her.

The planet she lands on is actually a prison planet owned by the corporation that sent her on her two previous missions. It's inhabited by about 25 prisoners, a couple guards and a doctor. The prisoners are mostly docile due to having found religion which is good since there are so few guards and they are unarmed. The prison is an abandoned mining facility and when the alien does strike, about 100 pages in to a 214 page book, it navigates the mining tunnels which are confusing and easy to get lost in.

So much time is dedicated to two  things - making it clear  that the tunnels are confusing and making it clear that the prison isn’t all that bad a place for those residing there. This is mildly interesting but more attention should have been paid to the actual creature. It’s not without its thrills and scares and while I'm interested in watching the movie again, I’m more curious about reading other versions of the screenplay. The most famous version is by Willaim Gibson whose screenplay was recently turned into a comic book and apparently it’s quite a different take and would have made for a very different movie.

Grown Ups 3
I’m counting this because I want to talk about it. Tom Scharpling, writer and producer for TV shows like What We Do in the Shadows, Difficult People, Nathan for You and Monk, wrote a screenplay for Grown Ups 3 just for the fun of it. The story has Adam Sandler and most of the actors you associate with Adam Sandler play themselves during the production of Grown Ups 3. They are all older now and their egos are getting in the way of having fun. Sandler, frustrated by this, rents a lake house where they continue bickering until a masked killer arrives.

Scharpling clearly has an appreciation for Sandler, his famous friends, and the movies they make. He gets their voices spot on and the violence hits hard and fast. It is a very silly idea which has been getting some positive attention ever since Scharpling shared the script early this year. It would be so cool if Sandler helped this get made and between the newfound attention following Uncut Gems and a new deal with Netflix he can pretty much do whatever he wants!

Being a big fan of the movie Drive I was excited to learn of a sequel to the book it was based on. I should probably read the first book but having seen the movie many times and after reading this it seems to me that the creators of the film stayed pretty true to the world the writer creates, the tone he sets and the voice his characters have.

After hired goons kill his girlfriend the nameless protagonist only known to the reader as Driver deals with waves of assorted heavies and hitmen who seem to always be on his tail no matter how far he runs. While on the run he stays in contact with an ex-soldier who does some digging to find out who and why people are trying to kill him.

This is an exciting story but it’s all about the dialogue. Characters say a lot, Driver says very little and it all takes place in a world where crooks, cops and everyone in between speak in a very highfalutin manner out of an old detective story and it mixes w
ell with the realism and ugliness of the world it all takes place in.

The Teeth of the Tiger
My brother Jake is a big Tom Clancy fan and when I asked him for a recommendation he told me I should start with this one.

It’s a dense, detailed thriller where every character you meet is fleshed out and it's longer than everything I’ve read in January put together. I’m mostly familiar with Tom Clancy because of the Jack Ryan movies and TV show. This book is about the second generation of Ryan’s - his son and his nephews - joining a covert team called The Campus.

The Campus operates in the shadows of the better known government agencies like the CIA and NSA. Jack Ryan Jr. talks his way into a desk job at The Campus and is placed in the accounting department to oversee money transactions worldwide from shady individuals. Meanwhile the nephews, a marine and an FBI agent, are recruited after performing well in their respective fields and are trained to carry out an assassination, which makes each of them a little uneasy.

The antagonists are a terrorist organization utilizing their criminal connections to sneak into America to carry out an attack. I’m at about the midpoint now and the attack on America is incredibly disturbing.

The writing really puts you in the mind of each character and you spend a few paragraphs with one before jumping to another. I found the structure a bit hard to follow and so much time is dedicated to building up to something but many characters, and the reader, are kept in the dark which gets frustrating after hundreds of pages.

It still mostly an exciting read and I’m curious about other Clancy novels.

Y: The Last Man 
I started reading this comic after years of people telling me it’s really good. The premise is that one day every male, human and animal, on the planet dies. Except one man and his pet monkey. While trying to figure out why he and his pet are the only survivors he encounters lots of dangerous people. I’ve only just finished the 2nd issue so I'm not sure where this is all going but I like it!

TV shows:
Finished the first season of Killing Eve and started watching Carnival Row and The Witcher

Killing Eve is twisty, violent fun and I look forward to watching season 2. I'm only a couple episodes into the fantasy/period piece Carnival Row but I like it a lot and I still have to finish the first episode of the The Witcher but it's pretty cool.

Live performances:

Umphree’s McGee: Outside of Furthur and moe. I haven’t seen many jam bands but I had heard that Umphree’s McGee was the most metal jam band so that piqued my interest. I would still classify them as a jam band but wow they sure can rock out. I hadn’t heard much of their stuff but that probably helped as they didn’t really play many songs except for a Rush cover to honor Neil Pert. They mostly just jammed for 3 hours and it was awesome.

Monster Jam: I highly recommend seeing a monster truck show but go to an outdoors venue if at all possible. We saw this at Prudential and it was loud and dusty but still awesome. There were  monster trucks balancing on two wheels, flying through the air and we even saw one do a flip which was apparently the first time that occurred in Prudential so that’s neat. They also had quad and dune buggy races. It was a very fun show.

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